
Open House Brazil - join the event!

Get ready for 3 days in which innovation and knowledge meet to drive the future of the manufacturing industry. During the event, you will have the opportunity to immerse yourself in a world of cutting-edge technology, inspiring talks and exciting demonstrations.

The GROB Experience is not just an event; it's a journey that aims to provide a complete, immersive experience of GROB solutions and the latest industry trends.

We want you to make the most of every moment here, learning, sharing and connecting with colleagues and experts.

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August 27th - 29th


August 27th

07:30 AM – 09:00 AM | Welcome Coffee and Registration
09:00 AM – 09:15 AM | Official Opening
09:15 AM – 09:45 AM | Speech by Gléverson Lemos, Head of Industry 4.0 at Embraer
10:00 AM – 12:30 PM | Division into groups and rotation through different activities:

  • Factory tour
  • 4 and 5-axis machining demonstration
  • Practical demonstration of automation technology
  • Lecture: Automate your CAM processes and enhance your programming with PowerMILL 5-axis
    Speaker: Jussimar Farias - Technical Manager at CAMSERV
  • Lecture: Manufacturing Wellness
    Speaker: Claudio Camacho - VP Sales Central and South America, Sandvik Coromant
  • Thematic discussion panel with experts: SCHUNK and ISCAR

12:30 PM – 02:00 PM | Lunch
02:00 PM – 05:00 PM | Division into groups and rotation through the above activities
05:00 PM | Closing
05:15 PM | Happy Hour

August 28th

07:30 AM – 09:00 AM | Welcome Coffee and Registration
09:00 AM – 09:15 AM | Official Opening
09:15 AM – 09:45 AM | Speech by Alessandro Rizzato, Gerente Executivo na CNI – Confederação Nacional da Indústria
10:00 AM – 12:30 PM | Division into groups and rotation through different activities:

  • Factory tour
  • 4 and 5-axis machining demonstration
  • Practical demonstration of automation technology
  • Lecture: Innovative Digital Solutions
    Speaker: Marcos Alves - Product Specialist at CERATIZIT
  • Lecture: High-speed and high-feed machining
    Speaker: Rolf Ehrler - Product Manager Milling and Deburring Tools at GÜHRING
  • Thematic discussion panel with experts: YG-1 and IGUS

12:30 PM – 02:00 PM | Lunch
02:10 PM – 05:00 PM | Division into groups and rotation through the above activities
05:00 PM | Closing
05:15 PM | Happy Hour

August 29th

07:30 AM – 09:00 AM | Welcome Coffee and Registration
09:00 AM – 09:15 AM | Official Opening
09:15 AM – 09:45 AM | Speech by Jairo Cardoso de Oliveira, Knowledge Management, Quality Affairs and PMO Consultant at SPI
10:00 AM – 12:30 PM | Division into groups and rotation through different activities:

  • Factory tour
  • 4 and 5-axis machining demonstration
  • Practical demonstration of automation technology
  • Lecture: Open Mind
    Speaker: Peter Brambs - Director Product Management & Innovation and Josef Koch - Executive Director of Development
  • Lecture: Increasing OEE with best practices in fine boring
    Speaker: Conrado Diniz - CEO at MAPAL
  • Thematic discussion panel with experts: BLUM and HAIMER

12:30 PM – 02:00 PM | Lunch
02:00 PM – 05:00 PM | Division into groups and rotation through the above activities
05:00 PM | Closing
05:15 PM | Happy Hour




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